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How to find & keep a furry "Godparent" aka Pet Sitter

Having been a pet-sitter, a.k.a “furry godmother” for over 4 years. This puts me the perfect position to share all the inside info on how to find a brilliant pet-sitter and make the experience a positive one for you, your pets and pet-sitter.

Where to look

So, you’ve decided that, rather than treating your pets to a stay at the “Doggy and Kitty Hotel” this year, you’d like them to remain in the comfort of their own home and have a pet-sitter care for them.

What now?

Ask your vet – most vets have a list of reputable pet-sitters they recommend. With luck, one of the staff members at the clinic may look after pets in their spare time; this means your animals will already know and feel comfortable with them. They will also have the vet on speed-dial and be able to access patient records, medication info, etc. in an emergency.

Ask friends and family – personal recommendation key. Never randomly pick a sitter from a list of adverts on Google or in the community newspaper. You need to be able to trust this person with your pets’ safety, your home and property, security access codes, and so on.

Contact pet-sitting agencies – have a look at their websites and ask for various references for the person who is recommended to you.

Compare costs – get an idea of average costs for pet-sitting services in your area, so you have a ballpark reference. Fees vary considerably, but should roughly match what you’d pay for a stay at the kennels, with a little extra built in for the sitter’s personal time and travel costs, as well as the fact that your pets will be at home, enjoying their usual routines and receiving personal care and attention, rather than being in a cage or run.

What next?

Chat to them on the phone – before you even arrange a meeting, find out whether the sitter is available on the dates you require them and ask about their rates. You don’t want to find out right at the end of the process, that this wondrous being you’ve set your heart on to look after Max and Bella is either unavailable, does feed-only visits when you want them to stay-in, or falls outside of your price range.

Set up a meeting at your home, if you feel comfortable doing so; alternatively, at a local park or pet-friendly coffee shop. This is where you need to pay attention to your gut-feel. Ask all the relevant questions and, most importantly, watch your pet’s reaction the person. I believe that animals are open books, and it’s the most rewarding thing for me to hear a potential new client say, “Oh look, she loves you already!” Even timid pets will respond positively to someone they feel they’ll be able to trust, given a little time.

Don’t feel awkward about saying No – you are under no obligation to book a sitter just because you’ve met with them. If you have any reservations at all, thank them for their time and let them know you’ll contact them to confirm.

Arrange a follow-up meeting the week before you leave to run through last minute details, discuss feeding routines, how appliances work, etc. and hand over keys.

Top 5 Questions to Ask a Potential Sitter

  1. Do you stay in or do you visit to feed? Depending on how much time you’d like your sitter to spend at the house, this is super-important. If the person stops in to feed, rather than staying in clients’ homes, discuss how often you’d like them to visit.

  2. Do you pet-sit alone or will your partner or children be joining you? Some people are happy for a pet-sitter to have a partner or family (or even friends) visit at their home, particularly if they’re going away for an extended period of time. Remember that your sitter has a life of their own and is entitled to carry this on simultaneously with your booking, provided their activities don’t compromise your pets in any way, or hinder them in accomplishing the tasks you’re paying for. However, some people do not feel comfortable with a partner staying, or may have pets who are frightened of children, for example, and these are things that need to be discussed up front.

  3. Should I pay beforehand, would you like a deposit, or can I settle upon my return? I personally prefer clients to pay me upon their return, so I can be sure they’re happy with the service I’ve offered, the condition of their home and animals, etc, however during holiday bookings a 50% deposit is required upfront to secure booking and balance payable no later than 2days after their return. If your sitter does not ask for up-front payment or a deposit, consider leaving cash or a credit card to be accessed in the event of an emergency, and/or a deposit at the vet, should medical care be required for your pet. Expecting your sitter to fork out for such eventualities and be reimbursed later is unreasonable.

  4. Would you mind doing X, Y, or Z? If there are any additional things you require the sitter to do, eg. open gates for domestic helpers, be around for a maintenance appointment, walk the dogs, feed pets at certain times, dose/inject medication, water plants, etc. check that these requests fall in with the sitter’s work commitments and capabilities.

  5. Do you need me to stock the fridge for you? Many sitters supply their own food and only make use of basics like coffee and tea at the client’s house, but others may ask you to stock up on a few items for them – find this out ahead of time. At the risk of ruffling feathers, my personal feeling is that sitters are being paid well enough to supply their own food. ...But it is a lovely surprise to arrive and find a box of choccies or a nice bottle of wine.

5 Things your Sitter Needs from you

  1. A detailed list of your travel arrangements and contact details. If you’ll be out of the country or unreachable, ensure the sitter is able to contact a friend, family member or neighbour who can assist in a home or pet emergency.

  2. Vet contact details and vaccination books for all pets, as well as cat carriers, leads, and harnesses, should an emergency vet visit be necessary.Important, although unpleasant, to mention here is, please discuss with both your vet and your sitter exactly what medical treatment you’re prepared for your pets to undergo and, should the unthinkable happen in your absence, what arrangements you’d like made for a pet who passes away.

  3. Comprehensive instructions for feeding the pets, any household tasks or domestic support required (including dates and times helpers are expected to arrive for work), garden maintenance, etc. Your sitter is there for your pets and is not responsible for keeping your home or garden maintained (unless they advertise these as additional services). However, they can absolutely be expected to clean up after themselves and keep your home tidy – to this end, please remember to show them where cleaning products and appliances are kept. Also, most sitters are well accustomed to attending to doggy-doo and cat litter trays (for their own, as well as your pets’ comfort), so ensure they know where plastic packets and poop-scoops are located, as well as where to deposit refuse and when to put bins out for collection, if necessary.

  4. Access to a first-aid kit – you don’t want a desperate call from a sitter saying he can’t find a plaster and have to direct him to your smalls drawer to rummage through your personals.

  5. Clean linen and towels … you’d be surprised! You may not be the world’s tidiest person and no sitter expects to walk into the Ritz, but please show them the courtesy of providing a clean, tidy and comfortable environment before you leave.

4 Things to Ask your Sitter for

  1. A copy of I.D. document – unless the person is a family member or good friend, do yourself a favour and ask for an I.D. copy. If you’ve booked a private sitter, it’s unlikely that a contract or any kind of agreement will be drawn up, so you do need some sort of protection. This should not cause offence. Again, go with your gut feel : If In Doubt, Don’t.

  2. Contact details for their friend or family member so there’s someone to reach out to if you don’t hear from them. Also, ask your sitter to give your details (as well as the period of your absence, pets’ details, etc.) to a trusted friend or family member so the person can alert you if they are taken ill or unable to care for your pets for any reason. This generally isn’t necessary in the case of an agency sitter, as the agency has details of all their jobs and should be in regular contact with them. But, best to be safe, rather than sorry.

  3. Respect for your home – responsible sitters will always treat their client’s home as they would their own, but ensure your sitter is aware of any specific preferences you may have, eg. no smoking inside

  4. Updates – if you’re in mobile contact, ask your sitter to message you when they’ve arrived safely at your home, and keep you updated on how your pets are doing. Most will automatically send photos or videos, as we know how much you miss the fur-children.

A final request is, don’t expect your sitter to play Bad Cop. When you go away, the bottom of your pet’s world falls out and it takes all our animal-loving skills to put them at ease and support them through the experience. Routine is the key to this.

A good sitter aims to keep animals’ routines as normal as possible, taking them for walks and feeding them at the usual times, allowing them to sleep on/in the bed if this is what they’re accustomed to, etc. While your sitter may be an expert in animal behaviour or nutrition, don’t expect them to help make dietary changes or retrain your pet out of bad habits while you’re away. This is unrealistic and will only make an already stressed pet more stressed, and potentially damage the fledgling relationship between pet and sitter.

Leave the yucky jobs like giving deworming tablets and applying tick and flea preparations for when you get back – otherwise, your pet may spend the entire period of your absence under the bed, glaring at the sitter or up a tree in the back yard…

RELAX! Now that you’ve found the perfect sitter and they’re happily ensconced on the couch with your pets snoring on their lap, you can relax and enjoy your holiday, or place all your focus on that business trip.

When you get home, things will be in order and the fur babies will be happy and healthy (and hopefully appreciate you all the more after your absence). And, if you’ve been good to your sitter, when you call to make your next booking, they’ll shuffle their diary entries and make sure they’re available because you’re on The VIP Clients List!

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